Sunday, December 23, 2012

Tekken: The Motion Picture

Since the beginning of history, people have fought in the name of god. Bending to the invented demands of their fickle deity, and screaming for righteousness, they wantonly spilled the blood of their enemies, as well as their own. The purpose behind this bloodshed, however, goes beyond simple explanations of religion, or notions of "justice".  The truth is buried deep within those who rage the wars.

Since the birth of this planet, a memory has been engraved deep in the genes of all living things. A memory of aggression, as a means of survival. A memory of fighting.

Humans seek to defend their actions in the name of truth. The act of fighting is itself a true act. Without this truth, the fighter will perish. To learn the way, ask your own flesh and blood. Because one's flesh is the door to the truth. To master the way, ask your own ken, or fist. Because complete knowledge of one's flesh, blood, and fist, is what creates one's Tekken.

And Tekken... is the key to life.

Go watch this ridiculous movie. Now.

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