Sunday, January 20, 2013

Insert Title Here

Insert Title Here is an "experimental" game. It tries to make a sort of mockery of Indie Titles and the people who play them on Youtube. It asks specifically that you record it, and that you share your reaction with as many people as possible.

What follows is a game that makes things CRAZY and DIFFERENT, as to squeeze reactions from you and make a commentary of how you behave and how pointless the game you're playing really is. Or, it would, if Insert Title Here didn't make it clear in the second room that it's made to mock a specific audience.

At every turn, it denies itself the ability to be the very thing it's trying to be, simply by going about it the wrong way. Nothing can really salvage ITH after just the second room, because it makes it painfully obvious what it's trying to do. It's not being creative in presenting its message, it's beating you with it.

Everything in the game is there to poke fun at Indie Titles. There's "trippy" rooms, "decisions", and perhaps the least subtle and least deserved psychological analysis any game has given its players. The dev doesn't understand the idea behind any of these things beyond a glancing analysis, and as such, doesn't understand how to make something more than skin-deep to play with.

Insert Title Here falls into the same trap as the kind of game it's trying to parody. Some Indie Game developers feel their games are instantly validated because they're experimental. In the same way, the developer of ITH feels that his game is instantly validated because it's a  parody.

Actual effort needs to be put into creating a genuinely good critical analysis of something: even a supposedly humorous critical analysis. Insert Title Here plays like someone making jokes while drinking with friends. It seems funny at the time, but it just isn't in any other context.

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