Friday, December 14, 2012

Not too satisfied with my Dark Void and Fracture posts.

I like picking games apart and seeing how they work. Looking at what makes what click together, or why certain pieces matter how they do. I didn't do that with Dark Void, because I couldn't. I couldn't understand why the jet-pack worked the way it did, or how vertical cover impacted the gameplay as meaningfully as it had, or even why the game managed to be so idiosyncratic in general. I just wound up forcing words out so I could say I had written something.

Same goes for Fracture. There were things I really enjoyed and wanted to share about both, as they left really unique tastes in my mind, but my words couldn't do it. So I apologize for the dip in quality with the last two posts. They're removed now, and hopefully I'll have better writing up in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you're gonna be like that, then please expand upon the Will/jetpack fandom when you get around to fleshing that article out.

    I'm gettin' some serious cheese and cracker vibes right about now.
