This time we have a special guest writer. His name has been changed to Chinkyf to protect his identity. His words have been edited where necessary to improve coherency.
I found that Chuck E Cheese party game mega collection thing
Not only did I find it, but because I looked so hard for it, I went ahead and downloaded it, and played it.
And there are some things I've learned about this game that I feel those Game Grumps peoples could have ran with, but since they didn't, I will.
Starting with this: I am utterly disappointed that I couldn't choose Ming, and have my profile name be "Chinkyface" because "Chinkyface" takes up too many letter spaces. So I was immortalized as "Chinkyf".
So, the intro doesn't differ at all from kid to kid, as Chinkyf's intro was the same as the one in the video. Got the first 3 tokens, played the first three games, and realized that the Wii has its own anti piracy feature: motion controls. A 2D mouse doesn't translate too well into 3D controls.
It took me 10 minutes to get through one game of skeeball, becuase I couldn't figure out the magical combination of rightclick + middleclick + release one of the two and hope the magic happens.
Still though, another thing I learned, perhaps I was on the emulator, but that some games are near unplayable. Also though, because of emulator, I may have been able to play some games with a higher degree of accuracy because no twitchy cursor hand.
Also, I accidentially broke the Lucky Wheel, figuring out the main mechanic behind it, allowing me to rig the result with an approximate 80% success rate.
All one has to do is just hit the "stop" button when the icon you want to land on is on the opposite side of the actual stop cursor thingy. Due to the speed at which it moves, I wasn't 100% successful with this method, but it worked most of the time.
But I digress, the Game Grumps could have absolutely ran with the prizes. They didn't seem to do anything with them, but if they did, they would find out the true nature of this game:
Ticket Buffs, Token Buffs, and Ticket Grinding.
I shit you not, most of the prizes act as ticket buffs. Like, some add +X tickets to the Arcade games, some more add +X% tickets to the Arcade games, +X% to the token winnings from the pizza games, stuff and things and I have a list of all the effects.
That's the list I had compiled.
All prizes and buffs and prices and stuff.
A thing to note though, on the Shirts and the Dolls, they are all the same price, but their effects change as you buy them, so you don't really have to buy them in any order, just buying them will make all of the others have the next effect.
if that makes sense at all.
The game with the ticket buffs became 100% ridiculous very quickly. After a few buffs, I could play air hockey, lose and still get 100someodd tickets.
Chuck E Cheese RPG is exactly how it felt.
I'd get tickets, spend tickets on buffs to get more tickets to spend on stronger buffs, get even more tickets to spend on higher level games to get more tickets and tokens, all with an endgame goal: get the ULTIMATE PRIZE.
You start the game wanting to get some extra spending money, but fuck that, there's the ULTIMATE PRIZE
It's in all caps in the game too, so it's a direct quote.
Remeber though, the Game Grumps got 5 tickets for each game they won in the arcade, but I realized there's actually tiers to the games.
Some games give a baseline win ticket amount of 5, but there are two others that give around 7 or 10 depending upon difficulty or length.
With buffs, by endgame, I could get 197 tickets out of one token.
But anyway, the one game where I could get just around 200 tickets per token was this really really bad rhythm game. You know how rhythm games are supposed to follow a beat to a tune or what not? this was about random mass guessing.
Usually, the time keeping would be like 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4
The song was true to standard tempo keeping thingies.
The buttons you press weren't at all.
I just took off the headphones and I was able to clear the hardest it could throw, even if it wasn't that hard at all.
I managed to beat the game multiple times. Again, you start the game looking for a summer job or some shit, you end it by dicking around in a chuck e cheese until you can blow 30,000 tickets on the best prize, which while is a mystery before you buy it, after you do, it always has something to do with the kid's hobby.
After a cheesy ending sequence and an unskippable credit roll, you're allowed to choose another kid and transfer all leftover tickets and all the buffs and unlocks purchased to them. The carpet, clock, lamp and the ULTIMATE PRIZE re-lock, however.
Because of the buffs, I was able to see every single kid's ULTIMATE PRIZE.
The ending sequence doesn't change at all, and mothers apparently don't exist.
I wanted to see if there was any differences. That and there was this dumbass trophy thing for beating the game with every kid.
There's a trophy room thing filled with achievements of sorts that are 110% impossible to do without having some sort of hellish obsession with the game. There's a trophy for each arcade game, and one trophy each for each pizza game. Some of the arcade trophies are just stupid hard. Just, so so stupidly hard.
There's one game that's essentially a dot to dot game, but played off as constellations, and the trophy for it is "Complete 1,000 Stars" which doesn't sound so bad, thinking that each constellation in the game has anywhere from 10 to 40 stars in it, depending upon difficulty, but it's not meaning individual stars, but actual full constellations.
So in short, that's about 10,000 to 40,000 stars to have to be connected, or around 100 some odd games of it by my very loose calculation.
The others are just as bad.
"Catch 3,000 Cows" "Find 5,000 Differences" "Shoot 3,000 Balls into the basket" "Win 100 Air Hokey Games" (which doesn't sound bad, but for one token, I can't even win more than once) "Reach 100,000 m."
The pizza game ones are just as bad too, with "Make 1,000 Pizzas" and "Serve Chuck E. 500 Times"
The biggest trophy is for "Complete All Ultimate Prizes", which is that one dumbass trophy I was referencing.
And let me see this before you put it up on the blog.
I am so glad you posted this. I was so curious as to what the ultimate prize was.